Taj Mahal Restaurant i Honiara

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Honiara, Solomon-øerne
Kontakter telefon: +677 26817
Hjemmeside: www.tajmahalsolomon.com
Latitude: -9.4310807, Longitude: 159.9547671
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Kommentar 5




    I came taj several times, service and tasty of foods are outstanding I recommended this to my friends and they also really happy with the tasty of the foods and service given by them. Unfortunately I noticed some very Unprofessional situation, cashier is drinking beer while she is service to the customers and sometimes when we order something she's got angry with us and she said they don't have the dish but when I check with the other staff they have that item, Because of the issue of alcohol she's out of her mind you can recognize her very easily because of something wrong with her leg and when I ask her name she said her name Sami.....

  • Sohail Riaz

    Sohail Riaz


    Good restaurant, chef Mr Mohan is specially very nice fellow & would listen & follow any of your request.Good food.

  • Feliks Christono Sehan

    Feliks Christono Sehan


    Food is great event though quite expensive... the Rogan Josh is very nice

  • Viti Lilo

    Viti Lilo


    Lovely calm environment, food is great and in large quantity, you will not be able to finish it, so why not takeaway for later :)

  • Gibson Satu

    Gibson Satu


    Lovely food and awesome dining experience. Would definitely be coming back

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